7:19 AM
The word of the day (yesterday, which is still a day I suppose, just not this day exactly...) is (was) ose, meaning daring, and I actually used in yesterday, which I was pretty proud of myself for.
Also, I am 135 words from finishing my histoire d'art dossier, and about 19 hours away from my weekend in Provence (specifically, Avignon)!!! Weather is supposed to be hot and beautiful for our weekend extravaganza, so it should be looking a little something like this I hope (sans the lavander, however, being that it is too early in the season, which is a shame since it's my favorite scent, but I can't really complain, right?):
Also, I am 135 words from finishing my histoire d'art dossier, and about 19 hours away from my weekend in Provence (specifically, Avignon)!!! Weather is supposed to be hot and beautiful for our weekend extravaganza, so it should be looking a little something like this I hope (sans the lavander, however, being that it is too early in the season, which is a shame since it's my favorite scent, but I can't really complain, right?):
Now back to work,