Take Four
11:39 PM
April was a huge month for me.
Right off the bat.
April 1st I was graced with the realist non-April fools joke that someone I had dated had made it to a manbun appreciation instagram page. Like a for REAL one, followed by 210 thousand manbun aficionados such as myself, really validating my place in the realm of lovers of men with long hair. As I read through all the comments of women pining after a dude I myself had had the luxury of being able to **touch** and run my hands through that silky mane IRL, I thought this month was seriously off to an amazing start.
Soon thereafter I made the very unadult choice to purchase a generally pretty useless mint-colored moped in lieu of an actual car which I have deemed “Lil’ BeepBeep ScootScoot” which, also in a very un-adult-like-manner, I still haven’t told my disapproving mother of (sorry mom, as you are likely reading this now in horror, picturing me face-planting into the asphalt losing all of my front teeth).
The world was literally my oyster, so long as the roads within that oyster have a max speed limit of 40 MPH and generally pretty considerate drivers. With so many amazing things happening, this month was off to a GREAT START YOU GUYS.
The world was literally my oyster, so long as the roads within that oyster have a max speed limit of 40 MPH and generally pretty considerate drivers. With so many amazing things happening, this month was off to a GREAT START YOU GUYS.
April 15th rolls around, and this one is really one for the books as it's my LAST April 15th (and by that I mean that the last April 15th in my life that will signify the end of busy season and two months of 60 hour work weeks, and not that I will be dead in less than a year...hopefully) and should have been the end of "Ming the tax accountant" (guys...what the fuck.) and onto "Ming the human capital/behavioral change management consultant" (currently accepting applications for a term with more pizzaz).
However, in a sick twist of fate, my job transfer has been postponed for the indefinite future, so as I waste away my days doing a job I intended on leaving eight months ago, I figured to re-start this puppy for the fourth (!) time.
So, what is the blog about? Besides a good way for me to indulge in one of my favorite pastimes (ie listening to myself talk), I really have no idea. Sometimes when I look at the 4 years it’s been since I left college, I feel like literally nothing has happened and I haven’t grown and I’m still left questioning what TF I’m doing with my life and when I’m supposed to figure out what my “passion” is that so many mid-twenties humans I’m surrounded with seem to have already figured out (I guess I missed that one meeting where we figured out our passions when I was too busy selecting ‘accounting’ as a college major….again, guys...what the fuck).
I’m literally gagging at how cliche this sounds, but without the normal structure and time breakup of semesters in school, life goes by pretty damn quickly (even whilst wasting away in my cubicle, getting yelled at by taxpayers and managers alike) and it’s hard to remember all the ridiculous and amazing things that happen in my life that can’t be condensed to ‘that thing that happened the summer before senior year’ or ‘during the semester that I lived in a mansion with the townie crack den next door’.
So all in all, this will be a place for me to amuse myself and hopefully others with whatever is happening in my life in this public version of a journal, while also being way less depressing than my actual journal (does anyone else write in a journal exclusively when they’re mad/depressed/stressed as all hell?).
SO follow along with me on whatever happens! Or don’t, your choice.