4:41 PM

          The majority of this week I have been sick as a dog.  Not normal sick though, instead I had this great french virus which included having a constant splitting headache (and a minor nervous breakdown thinking that my adolescent period of horrid migranes was starting up again), nausea, and chest pressure.  Naturally, all I wanted to do was call my dear Pamela back home and just bawl (what are mothers for, anyways?), but alas I could not bring myself to stay awake late enough to reach her after work.  So what did I do to combat my first bout of 'homesickness'? (yes, I know it's not exactly homesickness, but it may be as close as I'll get, so I'm running with it...) Well, like a lazy, fat American I bought an off-brand jar of nutella, a package of fatty cookies, and watched some illegally downloaded (and semi-fuzzy) American television (namely, Glee).


          Also this week, we got the chance to see an Oxford-style debate between two teams who all spoke english as a second language. I think the question was 'which is more important: knowledge or imagination?' (umm......I believe the answer is who really gives a fuck?) and à cause de my splitting headache, I couldn't really pay attention that well, but I did vote for the winning team, which I think is good....?

          Tonight a small group of us went to an apartment in centre ville for our very first french cuisine class! I volunteered to help out with the entrée (being an idiot American, thinking that meant the main course...) and then found myself ten minutes later being tricked into setting the table with another unlucky latecomer because apparently it doesn't take long to chop zucchini and throw it in a pressure cooker to make soup. Regardless of the accidental lack of effort on my part, everything was delicious (grâce à the double dose of cheese in my soup, as well as the double dose of white wine most likely...).  Nevertheless, I am ending the week on a much better note than I began it, and I am ready for the weekend! France, I love you.


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17 February 2011

          The majority of this week I have been sick as a dog.  Not normal sick though, instead I had this great french virus which included having a constant splitting headache (and a minor nervous breakdown thinking that my adolescent period of horrid migranes was starting up again), nausea, and chest pressure.  Naturally, all I wanted to do was call my dear Pamela back home and just bawl (what are mothers for, anyways?), but alas I could not bring myself to stay awake late enough to reach her after work.  So what did I do to combat my first bout of 'homesickness'? (yes, I know it's not exactly homesickness, but it may be as close as I'll get, so I'm running with it...) Well, like a lazy, fat American I bought an off-brand jar of nutella, a package of fatty cookies, and watched some illegally downloaded (and semi-fuzzy) American television (namely, Glee).


          Also this week, we got the chance to see an Oxford-style debate between two teams who all spoke english as a second language. I think the question was 'which is more important: knowledge or imagination?' (umm......I believe the answer is who really gives a fuck?) and à cause de my splitting headache, I couldn't really pay attention that well, but I did vote for the winning team, which I think is good....?

          Tonight a small group of us went to an apartment in centre ville for our very first french cuisine class! I volunteered to help out with the entrée (being an idiot American, thinking that meant the main course...) and then found myself ten minutes later being tricked into setting the table with another unlucky latecomer because apparently it doesn't take long to chop zucchini and throw it in a pressure cooker to make soup. Regardless of the accidental lack of effort on my part, everything was delicious (grâce à the double dose of cheese in my soup, as well as the double dose of white wine most likely...).  Nevertheless, I am ending the week on a much better note than I began it, and I am ready for the weekend! France, I love you.


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