ming's favorite things!
10:22 AMSince this blog has clearly lost any type of unifying theme already, I'm just going to go ahead and make a top ten list of things I am currently obsessed with! ...enjoy!
1. French coffee: 'coffee' meaning 'espresso'. I am obsessed with it. It is strong and delicious and the only way to describe it in words would be liquid comfort and happiness.
2. 3€ knit scarf from 'Berska' (des soldes strike again!!!): I tied the two ends together to form a makeshift infinity scarf (Confused? See image below), wrap it around my neck three times, then bury my face in it and feel like a pigeon. Again, the phenomenal feeling created by this cannot be described in words.
3. 1.20€ wine: Even though I was literally laughed at, then told that it was the drink of choice for the Gypsies who live outside Monoprix, I continue to stand by my choice.
4. French cheese: Soft, mild, goat's milk, hard, sharp, cow's milk, I literally love it all. This should not be shocking to anyone who has ever met me.
5. The 'Remove from Newfeed' option on Facebook: So this one is a little rude, but I have found it a little difficult to see some things on Facebook that are happening back in Ohio that I'm missing out on here. Don't get me wrong, I am having an amazing time in France, but missing annual parties, sorority functions, and blossoming friendships is a little hard to watch from across the ocean. Luckily, Facebook has created an option where you can tell it to not show you anything about certain people. This list is growing quickly, which I am pretty sad about, but I am sure you all understand.
6. Nutella: YUM. (See below)
8. THE MIDDLE PART: It's really popular here to have a middle part with wavy-ish hair, thus I am bringing mine back. Minus the junior high awkward stage aspect of it.
9. I can't think of a number 9.
10. Or 10.