plus des images....

10:30 AM

          The other day my group got the chance to visit Chateau de Vizille (about a 30 minute bus ride from our home in Grenoble).  I'm going to be honest when I say I wasn't really listening on the tour, therefore I can't explain much about it, but I do know that it was owned by a French duke around the time of the revolution, and that it's also really big and now it's a museum. It was an absolutely perfect sunny day, and afterwards  a group of friends and I went to grab some falafels and lounged around centre ville. The perfect way to end the weekend, selon moi.




'no, meggie, you cannot take those off the chandelier. you're going to need to find something else sparkley to put on your necklace' - pam todd.

the group!


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  1. Mademoiselle BLING (aka) Mademoiselle Ming

    Gram and I are LOVING your photos and comments!! Keep the joie de vrie
    coming this way..

    I am taking classes at the Apple store (otherwise this couldn't have been posted).

  2. I thought I recognized your fingerprints on that crystal, Mademoiselle Ming!

  3. I'm going to go ahead and label these photos 1-6 and so shall I commence the commenting:

    1. This one is amazing! I love the way the angles lead your eye up in gradual diagonals and the lines are emphasized by the "wear and tear" of the darker areas. Did you end up getting a new camera? Which one?

    2. mmmkay.

    3. Sooooo jealous of this one right now! I'm beginning to forget what "real" nature looks like over here....

    4. scandy?

    5. for a second i thought this was facebook and tried to "like" aunt lynn and pam todd's comments. well done, sea-stars, well done!


08 February 2011

plus des images....

          The other day my group got the chance to visit Chateau de Vizille (about a 30 minute bus ride from our home in Grenoble).  I'm going to be honest when I say I wasn't really listening on the tour, therefore I can't explain much about it, but I do know that it was owned by a French duke around the time of the revolution, and that it's also really big and now it's a museum. It was an absolutely perfect sunny day, and afterwards  a group of friends and I went to grab some falafels and lounged around centre ville. The perfect way to end the weekend, selon moi.




'no, meggie, you cannot take those off the chandelier. you're going to need to find something else sparkley to put on your necklace' - pam todd.

the group!



  1. Mademoiselle BLING (aka) Mademoiselle Ming

    Gram and I are LOVING your photos and comments!! Keep the joie de vrie
    coming this way..

    I am taking classes at the Apple store (otherwise this couldn't have been posted).

  2. I thought I recognized your fingerprints on that crystal, Mademoiselle Ming!

  3. I'm going to go ahead and label these photos 1-6 and so shall I commence the commenting:

    1. This one is amazing! I love the way the angles lead your eye up in gradual diagonals and the lines are emphasized by the "wear and tear" of the darker areas. Did you end up getting a new camera? Which one?

    2. mmmkay.

    3. Sooooo jealous of this one right now! I'm beginning to forget what "real" nature looks like over here....

    4. scandy?

    5. for a second i thought this was facebook and tried to "like" aunt lynn and pam todd's comments. well done, sea-stars, well done!
